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Steel products


Steam Coal

Coalis considered particularly for under-boiler use. It is used for power and heatgeneration. In electricity generation. Among the other most significant uses ofcoal are also steel production, cement manufacturing and liquid fuel.
Anthracite Coal

Anthracite can be used as an effective and low-cost substitute of expensive Coke.Anthracite by its nature and by technical parameters is identical with MetallurgicalCoke and depending on application can be used as a partial or full substitute ofexpensive Coke. Anthracite is a coal of the highest rank having a metallic lustureand low volatile matter.
Coking Coal

A coal that can be usefully converted into coke. It gives coke which is strong enoughto resist pressure and breakage. Coking coal is also known as metallurgical coal andis mainly used in steel production. It is of a higher purity than thermal or steam coalwhich is used in energy generation.

Steel Flat.

Hot Rolled Plates:


Used for shipbuilding, creating of storage tanks, pressure equipment and boilers and in construction.

Hot Rolled Sheets: Used for general engineering applications.

Hot Rolled Coils: Produced as a feedstock for cold reduced and coated coil. It is also used for many industrial applications, including steel tubes.

Cold Rolled Coils/ Sheets: Used for construction and vehicle building. It is popular in the manufacture of household consumer durables like washing machines and refrigerators.

Aluzinc Coils: Mainly used in roofing applications for houses that are near the sea.

Galvanized Coils/Sheets/Strips: Used in applications where good resistance to atmospheric corrosion is required, like A/C ducts and fridge insulation coils.

Pre-painted Galvanized coils: Construction sandwich panels, roofing, building material.

Plates/ Steel Forging for Wind Power Mills: Wind Energy is pollution free. We specialize in supplying steel to Wind Tower Manufacturers.
Steel Long

Debars: Construction materials.

Wire Rods: Base product in all steel wire, rope and fencing products.

Channel: Construction material.

Angles: Construction material.

Beams: Construction material, used mainly for ceiling and structural support purposes.

Alloy Steel Rounds: Engineering applications.

Seamless/ERW Pipes: Used in Oil and Gas transportation. Boiler quality/stainless steel for pressure vessels and in construction industry.
Steel Semi-finished

Slabs: Resulting from the second stage of the steel production process used for the manufacture of all flat steel products.
Billets: Resulting from the second stage of the steel production process, used for the manufactured of all long steel products.
Rounds: Concast, Hot Rolled Coils and Forged Round Bars used in engineering productions.



Metallurgical Coke
Met coke is used in products where a high quality, tough, resilient carbon is required. Met coke, limestone, and iron ore are mixed together in high temperature furnaces where extreme heat causes the chemical properties to bond, forming iron and steel.More than 95 percent of the met coke produced is used in the iron and steelindustries. Apart from steel industry, applications for metallurgical coke aremany and diverse including sugar, soda, cement, mineral wool and the smeltingindustries.


Pig Iron: Sold to both the steel making and foundry industries.

Ferro Alloys: Added to raw materials to alter the chemistry as required for end users.

Iron Ore: Historically traded in lump and fine form. It is also being traded in pellet form. Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) Raw material for Arc Furnaces



Ammonium Nitrate

It is a white powder at room temperature and at standard pressure. It is commonlyused in agriculture as the raw material for urea/fertilizers and is also used as anoxidizing agent in explosives.

A white crystalline solid, used in the agricultural industry as an additive andfertilizer. It is used as a nitrogen release fertilizer and in many multi-componentsolid fertilizer formulations.
Soda Ash

The common name for Sodium Carbonate, used in the manufacture of glass, aswell as in chemistry (as an electrolyte), in taxidermy and for domestic purposes(as a laundry water softener).



Bleached Sack Kraft Paper


Kraft Printing Paper


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